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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a solar energy system a good investment?

Yes. Solar energy systems are the best energy investment because

  • Solar energy is an infinite energy source for as long as the sun shines.
  • Solar energy can not be taxed, so it’s taxed free savings.
  • Solar energy is inflation proof.
  • With solar energy, you will have more control over rising energy costs.
  • A solar system is a home improvement that lowers your monthly cost by reducing the utility bill and increases your home value.
  • Solar systems have performance warranties that covers 25 - 30 years.
  • Solar energy systems reduce carbon footprint.
  • Solar systems are a positive legacy for our following generations.
  • Owning a solar system is like having your own pollution-free power plant.
  • Houses with solar sell for a higher price and faster than comparable houses without solar.
How does solar work?
By absorbing sunlight with photovoltaic cells, solar panels generate direct current energy. The inverter converts the energy to usable alternating current energy. Alternating energy then flows through the electrical panel and distributed accordingly.
How efficient are solar panels in 2024?
Solar panel efficiency has been improving steadily. In 2024, the average efficiency for residential solar panels is 20% and up.
How many solar panels do I need?

The size of your system will depend on your annual power consumtpion and your property’s sun exposure. IM Sustainable offers a free quote to help you determine the best size for your solar system.

How much maintenance do solar panels require?

Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning and occasional inspections for dirt or damage are recommended. In 2024, advancements in technology continue to make solar panels more durable and low-maintenance.

How do solar panels generate power when it is cloudy?

Diffuse solar exposure is the energy that falls on a surface from all parts of the sky except for the direct beam of the sun (direct solar). It is the diffuse solar exposure that allows solar panels to generate electricity when it is cloudy. Solar panels also work in winter, not only because there are sunshine hours, although less, but because solar panels still work even when it is cloudy.

Do solar panels work at night?

Solar panels work even on cloudy days, but they only work during the daytime. So, do solar panels work at night? The answer is no, they don’t produce electricity at night. However, it is possible to use the solar energy generated by your solar panels during the day, at night, using a solar system with battery storage.

However, there are two ways your solar power system can enable you to access electricity at night:

  1. Solar battery storage - A solar battery works by storing your excess solar energy in a battery for later use. Typically, the solar battery charges during the day and is then used during the night to power electrical appliances.
  2. Solar net metering - In a grid-tied scenario, when the sun is not shining and the system isn’t producing much electricity, the customer can use banked credits before purchasing electricity from the utility.
Do solar panels work in cold or rainy weather?

Yes. Solar panels create energy from sunlight and not from the heat of the sun. Solar panels produce electricity more efficiently in cooler conditions than in warmer conditions. Even in the most frigid weather, solar panels can turn sunlight into electricity.

Do solar panels work in the snow?

Yes! Solar panels can even work in the snow. If the panels have enough tilt, snow will simply slide off the modules as it melts. Once the panel is free of snow and receiving sunlight, it will start working to produce electricity again. It is not even necessary to clean your panels to remove the snow.

What maintenance is required for my solar system?

Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning and occasional inspections for dirt or damage are recommended. In 2024, advancements in technology continue to make solar panels more durable and low-maintenance.

How long do solar panels really last?

A solar panel has two warranties: a performance and equipment guarantee. A product warranty will typically guarantee 10-12 years without failing. A solar panel’s performance warranty will typically guarantee 90% production at 10 years, and 80% at 25 years.

Most residential solar panels come with warranties of 25 to 30 years. However, their actual lifespan often exceeds this period, with many panels continuing to produce energy efficiently for several decades.

What is a solar Inverter, and how does it work?

Then inverters are the brain of a solar system. An inverter’s main job is to convert DC power produced by solar arrays into usable AC power.

Can I store excess energy from my residential solar panels?

Yes, energy storage solutions such as home battery systems are increasingly popular in 2024. These systems allow homeowners to store excess energy generated during sunny days for use during periods of low sunlight or power outages.

How much can I save on my energy bills by installing solar panels? What is the typical payback period for residential solar panel installations in 2024?

The payback period for solar panels varies based on factors like location, energy usage, and system size. In 2024, it typically ranges from 5 to 10 years, with many homeowners experiencing a quicker return on investment.

Are there any incentives available to help pay for my system?

Yes! All solar customers are eligible for a federal tax credit. With the (ITC) also known as the Solar Federal Tax Credit, the federal government allows taxpayers to monetize 30% of the total project cost as a dollar for dollar tax credit towards taxes owed. This amount can be redeemed in one year or caried forward and used in future years.

In Illinois and other states with applicable programs, as a homeowner with rooftop solar panels, you can be compensated for the energy your solar system generates. For every megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity generated by your solar system, you can earn one Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC).

What is a Renewable Energy Certificate? from Center for Resource Solutions on Vimeo.

What is an SREC?

An SREC or solar renewable energy certificate is created for every megawatt-hour of electricity generated by solar. SRECs represent the renewable attributes of the electricity that your solar panels produce. SRECs are used by utilities, corporations and government entities to make and track environmental claims.

How does the SREC Program work?

SRECs are generated based on the actual electricity produced by your solar system. In states with applicable programs, solar energy owners are able to make money by selling these SRECs.

If I need to repair or replace my roof, can I install solar panels simultaneously?

Yes, it's an ideal time to consider solar installation during a roof replacement, avoiding the need to remove and reinstall panels later.

Can I combine solar panels with other renewable energy sources in 2024?

Yes, consider hybrid systems that integrate solar with technologies like wind or geothermal for a comprehensive renewable energy solution.

What is the process for updating my home's electrical system andinstalling solar panels?

When updating your home's electrical system and installing solar panels, a strategic sequence is essential for optimal efficiency. Begin with an assessment and necessary upgrades to the electrical system to ensure compatibility with the solar panels. Once the electrical work is complete, proceed with solar panel installation, coordinating with any roof expansions or replacements, if applicable.

How does adding a pool impact my energy consumption, and can solar panels help offset the increased demand?

Pools can increase energy usage, but solar panels can effectively offset the additional demand, making your overall energy consumption more sustainable.

How Does Solar Increase Home Value?

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, every dollar that a solar panel saves you on your electrical bills increases the value of your home by $20. And according to Zillow, homes with solar panels sell for four percent higher than those without them.

Have more questions? We're happy to help.

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About IM Sustainable

IM Sustainable is a solar panel installation company with locations in Illinois and Missouri. We bring sustainable solutions to the community by delivering turn-key solar energy systems.